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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Where to Start?

I have been doing some thinking about where to start organizing and it seems I have been organizing in all the rooms in the house; however, I have yet to actually complete a project. In this case I have been thinking about about the kitchen because that is where my dinette table is at and cupboards that hold kitchen items that we have yet to use so I would be able to donate these items. We have been in our new home for two years so it's organized in a messy way and could use some straightening up in areas like the linen closet. Towels have this bad habit of flopping over once the towel pile gets so tall. So I saw this neat idea of rolling towels instead of folding them and using these separators to help keep them nicely piled. I'm not sure what they are called though I've seen them around in stores and when I see them I will be able to pick some up the next time I go shopping.

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