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Friday, July 16, 2010

Better Off Than I Thought

As I continue my travels through my book about getting and staying organized, I learned that I am more caught up than I thought I was. I am not a pack rat and neither is my husband except for some things. I have my counseling magazines to which I may go through them and clip out the articles that I would like to keep and recycle the rest. Then, I would be able to place the articles I want to keep in paper protectors placed inside a three-ring binder. I also have all my handouts from school that I have tossed if they were not of interest to me and those that I have kept and I have more kept handouts than tossed to which they are organized for the most part though would be nice if I placed them in binders though they are in the filing cabinet for now and future reference.

I have gone through all my clothes especially since I have had a child. I am not sure if I will get back to my size 6 though I do believe I might be down to an 8 so maybe I am getting there. I periodically see if my jeans still fit and as of yet they do not and the ones I have are getting a little big on me.

I guess for now I have a head start on my organizing though that also means there is work that I need to be doing to be like getting my papers in order and filing. I am for the most part in charge of our finances; however, I take that very lightly because I also want to keep Denver involved with how we spend our money and me not getting sucked into every FOP and VFW drive they hold to raise money. I have many friends who are in the military and a friends as well as a cousin who are a part of the police department and they deserve to be supported as well. So it is with a heavy heart that we choose to hold off for now in supporting these organizations due to our financial status. However, yesterday I did give the VFW $20.00 when we have the money and I am waiting for their kit in the mail which I will send back when we have the $20.00 to give them.

Lesson has been learned that I will ignore the Caller ID and hold off until we have the finances to cover all bills for the month and next month.

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