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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Three Areas I Want Changed in My Life

My son apparently fell back to sleep so I will continue to blog about the book I am reading. I need to come up with three areas I want to change in my life. So this is what I have come up with so far.

1. Cut down on the time I spend on facebook--one time on facebook and be done with it. I really don't need to be on there ALL day.

2. Bible study! As much as I love studying the Bible, I really don't have my Bible study time anchored out like how I used to when I was an undergrad.

3. The Kitchen table. We have a small dinette set in the kitchen and it always ends up with a mound of stuff on it.

Okay now I need to come up with what I am currently doing in these three areas and I think I already stated that up above however I am frustrated in these three areas as well. My mom even gave me a "Busy Mom's NIV Study Bible" to which I have my choice of spending 1, 5, 10 or 20 minutes for Bible Study time and I'm not even using it! Plus Nathan emailed everyone a simple reading plan in studying and reading the Bible which I have thought about doing though haven't tackled that yet. I love my Lord very much and I talk to Him and I love spending time with Him though I don't spend any time in his Word except on Wednesdays and Sundays.

The kitchen table is the first thing I see every time I walk into the kitchen and it is so messy it grates on my nerves.

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