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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Things That Tick Me Off, makes me tick and tickles me

Today, I'm thinking about things that tick me off then find a way to change the routine, the things that make me tick and find a way to fit them into a daily routine and things that tickle me. I consider myself to be very easy-going so it takes a continuum of many things to tick me off. I find more often things that I find to be very frustrating and irritating though I'm not sure if I consider them something that would tick me off. Things that I frustrating is Denver not picking up after himself. I don't want to become the dreaded nagging wife and I don't want to be disrespectful towards my husband who is very devoted and dedicated to me and our son. So then, what is next? Recycling. I am not a recycler. I know I am now a horrible person, however, Denver is a recycler and he bought these wonderful stackable bins that are in the basement for items that can be recycled. The problem is that these items rarely make it down to the basement and they sit on the counter for weeks on end or days. I get irritated and will rinse out the items then take them down to the basement. Denver is the one who drinks out of bottles and cans which can be recycled. Anything I use, I rinse and take down to the basement. However, Denver does not pick up after himself and this includes clothes, dishes, cups, glasses. I will let items sit and he ignores it as though they don't even exist.

In regards to his clothes, I've told him that anything that is not in the hamper will not get washed. So his clothes sit on the floor or on the bed. I will not pick up after my husband. I have myself and Jaedon to pick up after at least until Jaedon is old enough to pick up after himself.
So to some this section up: 1. Denver picking up after himself 2. Recycling items

Things that make me tick: I would not have been able to answer this question years ago because I was such a person-pleaser. I felt I needed to do things that made others happy and not necessary things that made me happy or feel joy. I need to list 5 things that I like around my home that are already happening:

1. Having Jaedon on a schedule though flexible enough that we both don't go nuts.
2. Having a clean and somewhat organized home by the end of the week
3. Time to play with Poppy
4. Enjoying meals with Jaedon and Denver
5. Enjoying a good movie with Denver

Here are 5 things that tickle me:

1. Bible study/spending time with God
2. Hanging out with friends and hearing their God-stories
3. Spending quality time with Denver
4. Going for walks
5. Relaxing with a good cup of tea or hot cocoa

Next, I will need how I'm going to fit these into my schedule and come up with some elaborate things that tickle me.

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