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Friday, December 30, 2011

I have been on vacation for the past two weeks and I suppose I needed to take the time to organize. I chose to spend my vacation on me and my family. I played with my son and our dog. We went for walks and shopping. I did laundry and dishes as needed. I suppose I needed to take the time to vacuum though I really unlike the vacuum cleaner that we have and I like playing with Jaedon and Poppy rather than vacuuming. I enjoyed my vacation. It was fun and relaxing and I was able to play catch-up with my emotions. I shut myself down for a time and plowed through what I needed to plow through to finish business and graduate. Paperwork still needs to be sifted through and will still be there another day. This day has come to it's end and another day is coming. Perhaps this will be the day, I become better organized.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Working Part-time during the Summer

I have been taking my time adjusting to motherhood, schooling and working. After starting my Master of Arts in Counseling 4 1/2 years ago, I have now graduated and am done with school for good though still learning though different venues other than the classroom which is very exciting for me.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I'm working on two internships in the same semester. In order for me to gain my LLPC (Limited Licensed Professional Counselor), I need to complete 600 hours. The seminary that I am completing my Master of Arts in Counseling breaks down these 600 hours in two internships so the student needs to complete 300 hours in per internship with 120 client hours and 180 support hours. I'm doing both so I need 240 client hours and 360 support hours. One internship is giving me more client hours than the other so if I can get 240 client hours in one internship then I will be able to get my support hours in the other internship.

Am I feeling disorganized? Yes, I am because my house is a wreck once again and my son's toys need to be gone through as he has outgrown some of them. Plus some of his books also need to be packed away as well. Am I feeling overwhelmed? Yes, I am because I'm working about 41 hours a week and my husband has been putting in about 50 hours per week. Needless to say, quality time has been lacking though my son has not been neglected and he loves his daycare provider so that helps greatly.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Disorganized once again sort of....

The New Year is almost upon us and we have returned from a brief vacation in visiting with my folks. My son made out like a bandit and we returned home with more toys than we brought with us. I find myself already wanting to fish through and donate what toys my son has yet to play with; however, I also find myself thinking about child #2 and so I plan on packing a box or two. I am somewhat more organized when it comes to school. I am starting two internships in January which both will end in May of 2011 and I already have binders for them and have started placing clients on my calendar as well as scheduling mealtimes for myself. I do need to get with the rest of my team and get meetings on the schedule for us to meet up and hash out the week with each other.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Classes Started

Well, I can say I am organized as far as classes as to where I am suppose to be and when as well as my practicum hours which I really was not expecting since I lost the one I had though God came through in the last minute, literally. I also have daycare lined-up for Jaedon and what days he goes and visits his friends. I was able to resign up for the class though now I'm taking three classes instead of two. The house is getting trashed since I want to spend time with Jaedon and housework has gone to the wayside for now. Denver has decided that he is able to vacuum on Mondays which help me out with the housework.

The places that I had decluttered, well they are cluttered again and my classwork has exploded in the family room. Before Jaedon, I would take up three rooms though now I'm down to 1/2 a room. Denver and Poppy have the dining area. Jaedon and I share the family room. I downsized a little bit at least.

Monday, August 23, 2010

New Planner

I picked up a new planner the other day that was wire-bound like a notebook that you would take notes in for school. I really like it because each month has a different beach scene. I really like the beach and the sounds of the waves as they approach the shore. The lapping of the water is so relaxing and love watching sunsets as the sun dips below the horizon. The sky changes colors from golden yellow to a deep purple. I don't have times in this planner though I have plenty of space to make up my own daily schedule and flexibility to change it when necessary.

Jaedon is now into his 6-9 months clothing and most of his 3-6 are in boxes. I'll get the rest when laundry is done and put away. I can't believe he is 5 months old already. He will be almost a year old when I am finishing up my education in seminary. It has been quite the journey.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Continuing On After Finishing the Book

I finished the book this past week and have found I am more organized than I thought I was within the domains of my home. There are a couple of things I would like to get like a bigger planner that is closer to 8 1/2" x 11" and a calender that is erasable or bigger than the one we have now so I can write more things on it. Other than my weekly schedule I would also like to put together a daily schedule so I am able to manage my time more efficiently. Bins will have to wait for now.