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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Re-Organizing My Life

I have a weekly schedule of housework planned out; however, I also need a daily schedule planned out so I know what needs to be done with my time such as baths for me and Jaedon as well as when am I going to eat breakfast and lunch. I also need to get my daily house activity down on the daily schedule. I think this is where I need to get to an office supply store and see what they have as far as schedules and calendars that are able to be clean easily. I believe this is why I like school so much. A schedule is made up for me and I don't have to worry about it. I know when chapters need to be read and when papers are due. My life is organized for me and I follow the syllabus. Here I am organizing my own life and I don't know where to start; however, I am off to a good start. I have already done another tip in the book by breaking down my home into bits and pieces instead of looking at the whole picture and feeling over-whelmed by not knowing where to start. Slowly by bits and pieces I'm getting my domain underneath my rule as God had created me to do so in His plan for me. Also, I learned I need to get a larger planner with more options than the one I currently have right now.

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