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Friday, December 30, 2011

I have been on vacation for the past two weeks and I suppose I needed to take the time to organize. I chose to spend my vacation on me and my family. I played with my son and our dog. We went for walks and shopping. I did laundry and dishes as needed. I suppose I needed to take the time to vacuum though I really unlike the vacuum cleaner that we have and I like playing with Jaedon and Poppy rather than vacuuming. I enjoyed my vacation. It was fun and relaxing and I was able to play catch-up with my emotions. I shut myself down for a time and plowed through what I needed to plow through to finish business and graduate. Paperwork still needs to be sifted through and will still be there another day. This day has come to it's end and another day is coming. Perhaps this will be the day, I become better organized.