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Sunday, February 13, 2011


I'm working on two internships in the same semester. In order for me to gain my LLPC (Limited Licensed Professional Counselor), I need to complete 600 hours. The seminary that I am completing my Master of Arts in Counseling breaks down these 600 hours in two internships so the student needs to complete 300 hours in per internship with 120 client hours and 180 support hours. I'm doing both so I need 240 client hours and 360 support hours. One internship is giving me more client hours than the other so if I can get 240 client hours in one internship then I will be able to get my support hours in the other internship.

Am I feeling disorganized? Yes, I am because my house is a wreck once again and my son's toys need to be gone through as he has outgrown some of them. Plus some of his books also need to be packed away as well. Am I feeling overwhelmed? Yes, I am because I'm working about 41 hours a week and my husband has been putting in about 50 hours per week. Needless to say, quality time has been lacking though my son has not been neglected and he loves his daycare provider so that helps greatly.