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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Classes Started

Well, I can say I am organized as far as classes as to where I am suppose to be and when as well as my practicum hours which I really was not expecting since I lost the one I had though God came through in the last minute, literally. I also have daycare lined-up for Jaedon and what days he goes and visits his friends. I was able to resign up for the class though now I'm taking three classes instead of two. The house is getting trashed since I want to spend time with Jaedon and housework has gone to the wayside for now. Denver has decided that he is able to vacuum on Mondays which help me out with the housework.

The places that I had decluttered, well they are cluttered again and my classwork has exploded in the family room. Before Jaedon, I would take up three rooms though now I'm down to 1/2 a room. Denver and Poppy have the dining area. Jaedon and I share the family room. I downsized a little bit at least.